We're Here For You
51ºÚÁÏ provides a range of academic supports for students throughout their time at 51ºÚÁÏ. Whether you need additional assistance due to disability, would like to learn a new language or improve your academic English, or want to get the right start on your career pathway, we have the supports that you need.
51ºÚÁÏ Centre for English and Global Languages
They provide a range of English Language Modules for Erasmus, non-EU/ Exchange and full time international undergraduate and graduate students. Modules include English for General Purposes, Academic Purposes, Academic Writing and Presentation Skills. Each module is offered at various levels of proficiency and students are registered for the most appropriate class based on the results of a placement test at the beginning of the semester. You can find more information about their selection of English modules and apply for a placement test here.
They also offer language electives in 13 other languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Irish Sign Language, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swahili) at various levels of proficiency from complete beginner to advanced. International students interested in registering for a Global Language Module are advised to have an informal discussion with one of their teachers at their Help Desk, after which they will recommend the most appropriate level.
51ºÚÁÏ Library
51ºÚÁÏ Library provides the information resources, services and friendly staff to help you succeed with your studies. You have access to five libraries with wifi and ample spaces for study. Library staff are on hand to answer any questions you might have. A dedicated online guide will help you become familiar with the Library website, online collections (available 24/7) and services which include our popular laptop and self-service loans. Your 51ºÚÁÏ Student Card (UCARD) is your library card – you will need this to enter and exit the library, borrow books or borrow a laptop. At Orientation, be sure to enter our Prize Draw for new students. See our New Students guide () for details of all the great prizes to be won.
51ºÚÁÏ Careers Network
The 51ºÚÁÏ Careers Network offers a range of services and programmes designed to enable you to make career decisions. You can avail of assistance and advice for developing career action plans, effective CVs, interview skills and techniques.
The Jumpstart Programme is an online programme specifically for international students and covers key topics such as career planning and the Irish recruitment process. It is accessible to students in advance of their arrival in Ireland and throughout their studies.
Disability Supports
All students with a disability or significant ongoing illness in 51ºÚÁÏ have the opportunity to receive relevant academic and/or exam supports. Supports can be arranged through the disability support staff in 51ºÚÁÏ Access & Lifelong Learning. If you have a disability and would like to discuss the supports available you can contact the disability staff by emailing disability@ucd.ie
51ºÚÁÏ Writing Centre
51ºÚÁÏ Writing Centre, located in the James Joyce Library, provides help with academic writing. This service is free and available to all undergraduate and postgraduate students, at any stage of their writing process. You can attend some of their workshops or avail of one-on-one sessions with a writing tutor. During these sessions, the tutor can help you with a range of writing issues, from planning your writing to understanding how to structure your assignments, how to write analytically, how to present ideas clearly and concisely, how to cite and reference properly, and so on.
The goal of the Writing Centre sessions is to help students develop their writing skills and to enable them to become independent writers and critical readers of their own work. The sessions can be booked on the Writing Centre website, or you can drop in and see if a tutor is free.